English News

Intelmatix Launches EDIX, the Enterprise Decision Intelligence Platform to Support Cognitive Enterprises

Intelmatix, the pioneering deep-tech AI company, has announced the launch of its flagship proprietary technology the Enterprise Decision Intelligence Platform (EDIX) to enable enterprises to make the right decision at the right time, increasing efficiency and overall performance, and enabling entities to transform into cognitive enterprises. Dr. Anas Alfaris, Intelmatix Co-founder and CEO, announced the launch of EDIX during his keynote speech at the LEAP 23 held at the Riyadh Front Expo Center, Saudi Arabia, on 6-9 February.

Intelmatix gave a sneak peak of their technology to visitors of their booth at LEAP 23 which had an attendance of 170,000+ tech innovators and leading experts from around the world. Several attending Saudi government leaders commended EDIX, including officials from the ministries of Communication and Information, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Manufacturing and Mining as well as senior officials from the Authorities of Data and AI (SDAIA), Digital Government (DGA) and Royal Commission of Makkah among others.    

“We are on the cusp of a cognitive revolution that will change the relationship between man and machine, enabling the machine to do many tasks, and achieving the highest degree of efficiency, quality and competitiveness,” Dr. Alfaris said.

“The cognitive revolution and technological advances nowadays have given birth to the cognitive enterprise. This alters the relationship between human and machine by delegating increasing responsibility to the machine for decision-making as the cognitive maturity increases,” he added.

“Current ride hailing services can be considered as cognitive enterprises. Compared to traditional entities, these services are a good example of the impact and value achieved by cognitive enterprises through decision intelligence. Compared to the traditional way of doing business, several organizations report that being cognitive can improve operational efficiency by more than 40%, double customer satisfaction, increase revenues by 26%, reduce costs by 24%, and boost net profits by 30%,” Alfaris elaborated.

“We are proud to launch the first technology of its kind to support decision intelligence, enabling the transformation of enterprises to be more cognitive. These enterprises are capable of addressing problems and challenges by analyzing the data of enterprises and the environments in which they operate, providing smart decisions that increase operational and productive efficiency,” Alfaris commented.

EDIX is composed of intelligence blocks that are divided into classes of intelligence such as supply and demand intelligence, location intelligence and marketing intelligence. Within each intelligence block is a decision-intelligence capability that answers a specific question for that class. Examples of these are a block that decides when the next inventory should be ordered for the inventory class or where a new site should be opened for the location class.

“EDIX can be integrated into the existing data processing systems of any enterprise. It provides a user-friendly interface that reduces the need to rely entirely on technical experts”, he explained.

The value of Decision Intelligence and the importance of Cognitive Enterprises has been praised by technical and corporate leaders in equal measure. Following a visit to Intelmatix where she witnessed EDIX in action, Google’s Chief Decision Officer Dr. Cassie Kozyrkov took to social media to express her belief in the far-reaching potential of Decision Intelligence. After observing EDIX, Joseph Bradley, CEO of TONOMUS, the multinational conglomerate tasked with powering the cognitive technologies at NEOM, emphasized the value of cognitive enterprises as a key foundation for cognitive cities and communities of the future.

EDIX has already demonstrated success in several applications. For example, for a large quick service restaurant chain it is expected to achieve savings by controlling inventory, reducing waste and delivering orders in a timely manner, and is therefore projected to increase profits by 90%. For another agency that manages cities, EDIX has also been deployed to manage a fleet of inspectors across more than 50 cities and saved $10 million annually. Moreover, with another agency that manages a workforce of more than 500,000 employees that come from all around the world, EDIX is currently managing the planning and training of the workforce and is expected to produce improvements in recruitment efficiency of 29%.

“EDIX will represent a paradigm shift in the way enterprises operate and function and how decision intelligence is used in decision-making. It will enhance the capabilities of enterprises to predict future trends and take the right actions and smart decisions at the right time according to the most accurate data and information. This will enable the enterprise to raise their cognitive maturity and contribute effectively to building a more sustainable future”, Alfaris concluded.

Intelmatix was initially founded in Boston by a group of MIT graduates. The founding team has a proven track record and extensive experience in providing deep tech solutions. Intelmatix seeks to become the leading company in Decision Intelligence to transform enterprises to become cognitive. Intelmatix currently has a global presence through its operations in Boston, London and Riyadh.

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